Geese Facts

Canadian Geese can spread harmful bacteria by defecating where humans and pets are present. They also become very territorial and often charge at humans.

You want to get rid of them right?

There are many non-lethal methods you can use to deter these birds from ruining your property. You don’t need to strap on your hunting gear to get rid of these pests.

Even if you are on a very strict budget you can still obtain freedom from an unsightly lawn.

Did You Know??

Canadian Geese were once an endangered species??

They’ve Come back to become a HUGE nuisance!

You could hire an expensive outside crew to get the job done, but do you really want to chance over spending when you can get the same products online sent to your door.

You could save money by buying these products and using them yourself.

Just One adult goose drops 2 Pounds of poop a day!

Ex: 5 geese x 5 days = 20 lbs of poop on your lawn!